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Relics Transport

   With the development of the cause of Wenfu, the scope of utilization of cultural relics is constantly expanding and increasing, which fully shows that the historical value, artistic value, scientific value and social value of the collection are attracting more and more attention from the world. With the increasing number of inter-museum exhibition exchanges and overseas exhibition activities, it has become a very important link to ensure the smooth transport of cultural relics in packaging and the smooth development of exhibition activities, that is, to ensure the safety of cultural relics in transportation and transfer.


Packing protection before transportation

1. Internal packaging protection of cultural relics

Cultural relics protected by packaging can reduce mechanical damage caused by vibration, friction and collision in moving and handling due to negligence or neglect. For large number artifacts, the inner packaging of a ship is mostly made of cardboard. The cotton with internal flocculation treated by disinfection is used as the capsule, and soft and hard sacs are selected according to the cultural relics and types. Some also use better wooden board as the shell, according to the shape of the collection inside, make a variety of, to the cultural relic can play a fixed and protective role of the inner capsule.

2. Outer packing protection of cultural relics

The outer packing is to assemble the cultural relics with inner packing into large wooden cases, aluminum alloy boxes, iron boxes or mixed materials suitable for transportation according to the packing specifications. Appropriate packing methods and materials should be selected according to the special requirements of the cultural relics, such as moisture-proof, water-proof, shock-proof, friction-proof, squeezing-proof and temperature and humidity change. In addition, the outer packing boxes that need to be transported by sea shall be loaded into containers, whose bodies shall be specially reinforced to withstand the impact of the waves during transportation and the impact of external forces such as the heavy weight of containers in swaying.

The packaging of large pieces of wood should consider the sides, corners, legs and some immediate, empty and other places of protection. Should use a few soft material first, pack these parts, bundle, fix and fill good, undertake fixing to whole again, fill firm.

In a word, the external packing case of cultural relics requires reasonable structure, strong and durable, easy to dismantle and drive, neat and simple, suitable for long-distance transportation.


Protection in moving and transportation

  After the outside packing box of the cultural relics loading person, iron hoop shall be put on the box body (vertical and horizontal) with the belt tying machine to prevent the box body from being broken due to movement or vibration; To stick seals and locks outside the box, and brush or paste relevant signs, such as number, do not press, fragile, primary wet, not upside down, handle with care. The process of moving should be light and steady. After loading the vehicle (machine, ship) in strict accordance with the operation rules for handling cultural relics, the packing boxes should be fixed on the vehicles with ropes, nets, etc., so as to prevent the vehicles from being hit in the driving process or in the emergency, causing damage to the cultural relics in the boxes. Minimize loading and unloading as much as possible; It is the best way to use a means of transportation directly after the removal, so as to avoid the damage of cultural relics caused by the vibration during multiple transfers.

